…. When I get rudely awaken by the dustmen!

I hate Tuesdays! Why do dustmen have to be so noisy? Don’t get me wrong, our dustmen do a brilliant job….they take all the rubbish, they even clean up after themselves, but is it really necessary to be so loud? My dustmen shout to each other across the road and down the street, they sing at the top of their voices and it always seems to be outside our house! I suppose since they are up so early, they forget that other people are still asleep, but I was always taught to be considerate to others – I used to go to work at 5.30am and would leave the house and go off in my car as quiet as possible. Unlike the person over the road from me who gets picked up by his friend every morning……his friend who insists on tooting his horn at 7.20am rather than get out of his van and knock on the front door. I guess some people are just not as considerate as others, but my kids will be raised to hold doors open, give up their seats for the elderly, and generally be thoughtful and kind. There is no bigger compliment than another person telling you what lovely polite children you have- it means that I am doing my job as a parent properly.
So, morning rant over, Sarah is up and watching kids tv, Craig is still asleep but needs to get up as he has his cycling course in half an hour…..they changed the time yesterday as there was only 3 people in the afternoon session. It suits me better really as it means that after 11am we have the day to ourselves to go out and have fun!
I need to go shopping this morning, again, forgot washing up liquid and toilet paper yesterday- how could I forget the basics? I’m thinking that today we goto Sainsbury’s so that Sarah and I can pop into Starbucks for a coffee…and maybe even a croissant for breakfast! A little luxury on a day full of chores and housework – washing needs to be done ( yes more of it ) need to dust, Hoover and wash the floors too and then as I’ve been given some cooking apples and some blackberries, I am going to make a pie or crumble. What the rest of the day brings who knows-Sarah is desperate to go out on her bike and wants to goto the park….let’s see if the weather holds out.
A huge thanks to all who have been following my blog, 92 views yesterday which is pretty impressive. It would be great to read your comments, if you have any…….why not share your thoughts, suggestions etc at the bottom of the blog? I know one or two of you have been inspired to start recording your own events since reading about my holiday – I’m looking forward to following your blogs and finding how life pans out for you!



Back to boredom!

Having been away for a week, I can tell you I haven’t really missed the television. Matt on the other hand went to the extremes of downloading and watching Eastenders on his IPhone……I mean really, could he even see it? Now, he’s a bit of a Corrie fan too, so I knew I was in for a real treat when he told me they were both on twice this evening…….Eastenders, Coronation Street, Eastenders then Corrie again. It is so boring and predictable, and most of the time utterly depressing! It’s bad enough that the news is full of doom and gloom, but do we really need the same from the programmes that are meant to bring us enjoyment- its certainly not my idea of entertainment that’s for sure! Anyway, after his fix of soaps ( and yes, there’s more tomorrow ) we watched Mrs Browns Boys. Now although this was an episode I had seen before, I do enjoy the light hearted humour this programme brings. It’s easy watching and you can fade in and out of it without feeling like you’ve missed something.

Matt’s back at work tomorrow, so it’s an early night for him…..for me,it’s an opportunity to spend time- just my IPad and me, blogging! Pleased with my stats today, and after an initial worry that I wouldn’t find anything to write about, I think I’m doing ok. I have decided that I am going to create a second blog to showcase all of the cakes I make…..I’ve done loads this year, and already have three more on order over the next couple of months!


Also saw this on the way home yesterday and it made me chuckle……you’re never too old for a pint and a Sunday roast!


Think it must be my lucky day!

So I dropped my car off at the garage and all I could do was keep my fingers crossed and wait for the call! In the meantime, we went to do the food shopping and store some camping equipment in the MIL’s loft. We then popped to the bakers to get some fresh bread and then it was home for a quick lunch before dropping Craig off to his cycling course and waiting for the dreaded phone call.
Lunch done, Craig off cycling, the phone rings-“your car is ready to pick up….there’s a couple of advisories, but it’s all done”. I must of faltered when I said I’d be down to pick it up, because the lady said “you sound surprised!”. I was…… My car is an old X reg Ford Escort, but it’s great for me and the kids and I don’t have to worry about where we go, where we park or what I put in the boot! Unlike Matt’s car which we are barely allowed to breathe and move in! So yes, I was surprised but also pleased to have my little old banger for another year.
Craig’s now back from his course and I’ve been tweeting, blogging and catching up with emails. I have joined @Mumsnetbloggers and @britmums today’s and have also applied to review appliances with @Apponline who have asked me to email them.
Feeling lucky, I went to the shop on the way home and got some scratch cards…….we had 3 each. Of the 12, I was the only one to win and I won with all 3! Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t huge amounts but at least for today at least, I feel lucky! Long may it continue……..


Back home with a bump!

After an afternoon of unpacking the car, packing away the camping stuff, and sorting put the washing it feels as though I haven’t been away!
I have forms waiting to be signed, bills waiting to be paid, food shopping that needs to be done, a house that needs to be cleaned and a car that needs to be MzoT’d! And that’s all just for today…
Craig also has a cycling course this afternoon, a bike that needs servicing, a whole new set of school uniform for Secondary school, we all need haircuts, the grass needs cutting, I need to book a doctors appointment and finish off some school work…and of course find time to catch up with friends for coffee. I’m exhausted just thinking about it all!!!
So, first job this morning…. Check the term and holiday dates and book our next holiday!!! Wonder if I can book somewhere for August bank holiday????

Just about squeezed it in!!!

Packing up is usually a morning of arguments but this year I packed the car on my own and it has all gone in relatively easily. That’s not to say that we had loads of room to spare, just that it all had its own little place to squeeze into.
We stopped off at the shop to have one final Slush Puppie before we left, and said our goodbyes, now we are in the car and heading home via the A22. There is no traffic so it won’t be long before we are unpacking everything again to put it all away.

Packing up!

As much as I have had a great time and would’ve been happy to stay, our new neighbours mean that I am glad we are going! As well as being noisy quite late into the night, their dog was yapping at 6.15 this morning! If we’d of been staying longer, there might of been a few words…
Didn’t sleep well last night- sunburn still hurting and woke me up every time I moved or turned. Matt and I are just relaxing in bed listening to the sounds of the birds tweeting in the trees whilst the children are still sound asleep.
It’s another hot one today, so for once we can actually pack the tent away in the dry- nine times out of ten it is usually raining, so this is a real treat for us! Matt has got the kettle on for a quick cup of tea, then we need to start packing away and packing up……we need to be off of the pitch by midday.
I’ll let you know how we got on later!



Back to the tent for last time :(

So, after picking up some fish and chips, we headed back to the tent for tea. We were very lucky today, as while we were on Bexhill beach we were lucky enough to see a number of the planes from Eastbourne Air Show. We have had a lovely week with The Woods, and it’s a shame we have to go home. I could quite happily stay for another week- weather permitting, but too much to do next week! My car needs an MOT for starters……


Having packed a lot of the clothes etc this morning, there’s not much to do tomorrow except to take the tent down and squeeze it all into the car… And when I say squeeze, literally it is rammed in- if I remember I will take a photo tomorrow. There is just so much stuff to take ( or maybe I just like to camp in comfort!!!! )
Having arrived back this evening with our fish and chips, we had new neighbours. Three families that had come together. In a bid to create lots of space between their tents for the children to play badminton (with a proper net) etc they had pitched about 3m over our pitch which meant that there was no room for our car. It didn’t matter as we could park the other side, but the warden has told them they need to move their tent in the morning- they’re not best pleased as they have everything set up, but it means that new people arriving wont have enough space!! They are also very noisy and not very friendly…… Of course I feel really sorry for them having to move their tent…..NOT!
Anyway, I have really enjoyed blogging this week and creating memories to keep and to share with the kids. We’ve had lots of fun on the beach, toasting marshmallows, flying kites, having scooter races etc and we’ve all had a great time.
It has been lovely to see so many people following my blog……maybe some of you may now be inspired to keep your own holiday diaries this way? I’m thinking that I might continue when I get home, but will have to come up with something interesting to blog about. I know it will be a great way to showcase all of the cakes that I make, so I might even have two!!!!
I hope you are all enjoying the summer as much as we are, let’s hope that the weather continues for another week or two………

This is why I love camping!

Been down to the beach this afternoon, kids paddled, Matt fished and I sat and enjoyed the view.


After an unsuccessful fishing stint (it was too windy) we decided to get some fish and chips and sit at the top of the hill at Bexhill to enjoy our tea in true British style….
Bexhill – on – Sea kindly tweeted a nice chip shop, just a shame it was shut because the owners were on holiday! A few tweets later and we had a couple more to consider, but we decided that as they were nearer the camp site we would have pudding first! Lovely little ice cream shop selling homemade Italian ice cream.



We are now sitting looking out at the sea enjoying bubblegum, rum and raisin , mint choc chip, strawberry sorbet, cappuccino and banoffee ice cream…. And they’re all lovely!


Having had pudding before tea, we are now off to get some chips with lots of salt and vinegar!!!

It’s just too hot!

Ok, so we moan when it’s raining and now I am moaning because it is too hot! Currently chilling in the bedroom of my tent because a) it’s quiet b) it’s the coolest place to be in right now and c) my sunburn is sizzling every time I go outside!
When I went down for a shower this morning, it felt like someone was just pouring boiling hot water over my legs and shoulders……I have covered myself in factor 50, but it is sooooo warm and I just cannot withstand the tingling feeling as the sun crisps my legs a little more! So, I have come inside.
There is a lovely breeze today, so although it is hot, it is cool when the wind blows. We have decided to goto the Air Show a bit later, and then up to the top of Bexhill for fish and chips this evening. The kids are scooting around the site ( really? Is it never too hot for scooting?…) and have just returned from the shop with a lovely cool Slush Puppie……. I love them, raspberry was always my favourite, along with lemon and lime- what was yours? It’s such a shame that not many shops do them now 😦
Anyway, have started to pack some of the clothes and bits and pieces so we can take our time putting everything away in the morning. It’s too hot to be rushing around, so doing a few bits today will make it easier.
Best be going know……. Everyone wants to know where I am and what I’m doing!

Faint flip flop mark and Olympic Team GB toes!!!

Camp bed and a blow up bed….. My camping divan lol!

Kids just waking up….

Getting read to make breakfast
